Hall Meeting: The Other Side of the Lens

If you’ve already taken photographs of cosplayers and you haven’t yet been mauled, then you’re already doing mostly everything right. But here are a few more things to keep in mind to make the cosplayers like you even more (yes, we remember who you are.)

Do ask before you take your photograph. Don’t groan just yet: ‘asking’ can mean different things depending on the context. I won’t hold it against you if you’re the more shy type who looks hopeful and then points to their camera while making eye contact, or if someone else is already taking a photograph and you take a shot yourself without a peace offering.

I feel that this is important because it gives the cosplayer time to prepare. Particularly with cosplayers like myself who wear less rather than more, I feel much more comfortable when you ask before taking the shot. If I hear the shutter noise and I turn around to find you facing me but closing up your camera, I’m going to assume that you were taking a photograph of my backside. If you ask me beforehand, even if it’s your intent to take a picture of say, my wig or some pattern on my skirt, then I’m fine with what otherwise would have seriously peeved me.

If you consider yourself a more serious photographer, please treat the cosplayer well and, if possible, give direction. I’ve known a more serious and famous cosplay photographer or two who will more or less take their shot, demand ‘what other poses have you got?’ and then take their kill and stalk off in search of more, as if their status puts them at the same level as, say, Miranda Priestly of Devil Wears Prada fame (who everyone in the novel secretly hated, I might note.) We both know that you’re going to upload all of these photos to cosplay.com at the end of the weekend, why not take a few more moments to offer assistance and make the photograph look better for both parties?

And for cosplayers: please take the two seconds to acknowledge the people who took your photographs after all is said and done. I like to maintain character and offer a flourished bow with a vampiric smile. Flash a victory sign, a salute… whatever works!


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Looking for something?

My name is greyrondo. I've been a cosplayer since Fall 2006, and I've noticed that the best conversations I have with cosplayers usually involve the question, 'so how DID you do that?'

So after studying costuming and making a closet's worth of costumes, that's what I'd like to help answer. Drop in and stay awhile whether you're a cosplayer or just a curious spectator; one of my musings is bound to be what you're looking for.

If you have a question or something to say, leave a comment or contact me! I don't bite, I promise.