Instant Noodles: Who Owns a Bodkin?

Elastic waistband pants are a nice, comfortable option for cosplay, if applicable. But shoving elastic through its casing is really time-consuming and sometimes impossible without a bodkin.

Who has a bodkin?

If you don’t, use a tip I learned this spring: take two safety pins and use one to attach the end of the elastic to the beginning of the casing. With the other, stick it parallel onto the elastic itself and move the safety pin through. As long as the safety pin fits through the casing, you’ll be done in no time.


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My name is greyrondo. I've been a cosplayer since Fall 2006, and I've noticed that the best conversations I have with cosplayers usually involve the question, 'so how DID you do that?'

So after studying costuming and making a closet's worth of costumes, that's what I'd like to help answer. Drop in and stay awhile whether you're a cosplayer or just a curious spectator; one of my musings is bound to be what you're looking for.

If you have a question or something to say, leave a comment or contact me! I don't bite, I promise.