Quick Doodles: Cosplayer’s Eye

This is not a disease that can spread from person to person with direct contact or ‘exchanging bodily fluids’, and some people find it easier to embrace this and call it a ‘condition’ rather than a disease.

If you find yourself immediately mentally drafting a piece list for any character art you lay eyes on, even if you have no intention of ever cosplaying that character, then you’re one of the infected. There is no cure.

Other symptoms include, but are not limited to:

1. On sight, matching a garment in a store with a random character from the last manga you read.
2. After looking at a piece of fabric, you can immediately think of at least two different characters that you could use it for.
3. Instantly dismissing an innocent bolt of fabric you aren’t even interested in because it would look terrible photographed.
4. Judging the quality of hairpieces on MTV and VH1.

Even if you are infected, you can find comfort in the knowledge that many cosplayers who have contracted ‘cosplayer’s eye’ continue to experience long, fulfilled and enriched lives, even if they do take longer to go shopping for shoes than ordinary because they are so easily distracted, or... 'focused'.


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Looking for something?

My name is greyrondo. I've been a cosplayer since Fall 2006, and I've noticed that the best conversations I have with cosplayers usually involve the question, 'so how DID you do that?'

So after studying costuming and making a closet's worth of costumes, that's what I'd like to help answer. Drop in and stay awhile whether you're a cosplayer or just a curious spectator; one of my musings is bound to be what you're looking for.

If you have a question or something to say, leave a comment or contact me! I don't bite, I promise.