Quick Doodles: The Mysteries of Staystitching, Unveiled!

Or, why staystitching isn’t a waste of your life. I spent about two years of my cosplay life in the dark before I figured this out, because prior to my costuming class, I was self-taught and knew nothing about fabric other than woven/knit/doesn’t fray.

When you cut out your fabric, you free it from the selvage edge. This is somewhat less than cool, because it allows the potential for the weave of the fibers to slip this way and that, particularly at the bias or any curves. Staystitching rocks because it keeps this from happening.

So even if you have two days to finish the costume, staystitch where you’re supposed to (in general, that’s along the collar, sleeve, and the hem). It only takes an extra two minutes and you don’t even have to backstitch, I promise.


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My name is greyrondo. I've been a cosplayer since Fall 2006, and I've noticed that the best conversations I have with cosplayers usually involve the question, 'so how DID you do that?'

So after studying costuming and making a closet's worth of costumes, that's what I'd like to help answer. Drop in and stay awhile whether you're a cosplayer or just a curious spectator; one of my musings is bound to be what you're looking for.

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