Quick Doodles: Washing and Steaming

Please wash or steam. I’m thinking about you. If you think that your fabric feels gross when you run your hands over it, your rash is going to feel disgusting when you spend an entire air conditioning-deprived convention with the preservatives, over-saturated dye, and sizing that kept your fabric company on the lonely, bug-infested cruise from China.


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Looking for something?

My name is greyrondo. I've been a cosplayer since Fall 2006, and I've noticed that the best conversations I have with cosplayers usually involve the question, 'so how DID you do that?'

So after studying costuming and making a closet's worth of costumes, that's what I'd like to help answer. Drop in and stay awhile whether you're a cosplayer or just a curious spectator; one of my musings is bound to be what you're looking for.

If you have a question or something to say, leave a comment or contact me! I don't bite, I promise.